typographic posters
just a
more typospiration
braille / braille font - feel - touch - interaction
dots? braille is also a font.
lines lines lines
lines lines lines
lines lines lines
set of events
what u read is what u get
get hard, unzip
quiver, flow
The quick brown fox
jumps over the lazy dog
When zombies arrive
quickly fax Judge Pat
Some background spheres, they will support the textlayers of Jocks Box & Judge Pat. Put them under the copy machine - add some colours and move them around for a bit and this is what u get:
was thinking about braille and chinese typo.
something we don't gett/understand unless we learn and the fitting quote would be "what u read is what u get" / as in 'getting stuff' / 'understanding stuff'.

verloopje on the back visualising an eye
the braille concept i took a bit too far, I thought about constructing these little aluminium knobs on the poster so you could actually feel the dots of the braille.
I made a lot of them. Though every one of them turned out to be a gift never wasted.

There wasn't really anything "wrong" with them.
Some handy scans
some sketches i made for the lino
i though of making an fontimage at first but then changed my mind for thinking it might be too abstract or too much distracted from a font?
maybe an awesome lino poster dividing the colours? 
text "one of us cannot be wrong" is a metaphor /
but this poster doesn't specifically focus on typography / so meh >>

looking back on this little mess
(with a lot of copy techniques probably used like a 100 times) i think that i love the "jocks box + judge pat" the most. i also like "what".
my idea with the whole braille and chinese marks things might be worth doing when i have more time
talked with my teacher about it, he noticed a pattern of me centering everthing, i agree.
i also think i should experimentate more with maybe riso or zeefdruk, put some letters on other places.